Chin Wey ™

feelings are expressed here...

it was a remarkable and yet auspicious day for my cousin sister on 8th August 09 as on this day, it was the day she received her highest scroll from the cansellor...and now she is a PhD holder!!! i got the chance to attend her convocation but it was a little bit late...hmm...well it good to be late than never attend right? of course the best is to be punctual...i think im punctual too as i dont have to wait them for so long as by the time i reached the campus, i straight away can photograph...hehe. congratulations to you again for getting the highest honour, Dr. Lini!!!

the photography area

the university proudly logo

together with her cousin sister...

with the graduant...

proudly present...ten ten ten my cousin sister...

photography with her family...

0 scream(s)!:


My photo
this is chin wey, sharing thoughts and feelings deep inside my heart
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