Chin Wey ™

feelings are expressed here...

it was a sudden when i remember the days in diploma with my friends we cooperate together to achieve an objective...the process has its matter what is the result, i enjoyed the time we stayed together...although it has been compiled into history, well sometimes recalling back all the memories is joyful, i dont regret that we dont stay like this for now, but i appreciate that i have been through all those times. well, i dont have all the pictures along the way when i was in diploma...but those uploaded are enough for the memories...

taken when we succeeded our software presentation...
with sock bin, the only female in our project team...

posing with the unit lecturer and also evaluator, mr kow cik choy...miss him much!
malay language post-presentation picture

days in tarc isnt long or depends on which aspect we are looking has to goes on, let the memories accompany me to walk...

2 scream(s)!:

When I saw the picture,i just realize that last time diploma you are thinner than current,haha~
Sorry,i just tell the truth,hehe~!

ahaha...its okay...well now myself slimming in progress, just wait and see!!!


My photo
this is chin wey, sharing thoughts and feelings deep inside my heart
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