it's time to start admitting myself old...i have no idea of why...23 and 24 is just a difference by one, but the responsibilities are like tonnes now. started to feel more and more things to deal, more and more things to be accomplish, i know there's no way of escaping from them. Coward boy!
leaving my blogspot for months, things have happen, and it's alot. it's been 6 months ever since leaving the land of America, leaving with memories and great experiences. It was a gold opportunity for me, standing in the giant piece of land of the other side of the world, totally...learning the culture, thoughts, people, it truly enrich my life. though it isn't really adaptive to the tiny piece of land where im stepping now, it's worth, truly worth...i miss the food, people, customs, laws and rules, everything. they are so unique for me.
in support of my enthusiasm of photography, im getting myself a semi-dslr camera. LUMIX GF-3costing MYR 1,700, im still learning to capture good quality photos from it. Apparently, im just great in capturing some basic angles of photos on day time. it just gets worst during the night time. but, it accompanies me capturing great moments in my life.
Moving on to next moment, visiting Kingdom of Thailand! Drove from Malaysia to Thailand, crossing the border via Bukit Kayu Hitam and Sadao borderline, it took like half of the day to reach Hatyai. Visited last Christmas, after my sis wedding a month later, Thailand again gives me another way of looking to the life, how a city of metropolitan grows without the ease of the fast growing technology, and totally indulged into the city of Hatyai, and i can laugh remembering the moments I talked to the locals with the most broken english and mandarin i can, the best of it all, sign language!
Christmas 2011 was another unforgettable moments, I had a truly western christmas party, potluck, gift exchange, plus christmas song singing instead of normal christmas dinner like the years before.2012 steps in, and im truly touched by my superiors, managers, and fellow colleagues warm support when i made a shout out to wear red on the working day before chinese new year weekend. you guys are rocks!
and not to miss out the fellows from other department who support my shout out!and here comes the year of dragon...back to the workplace and visited kek lok si after more than 10 years
and Kae Vin has invited to his house warming party
and today is the last day of the new year...soon the valentine is coming, act feeling like nothing like the previous years, will i be getting someone soon? will i be able to solve the dilemma i have now soon? or im waiting green light? still a dilemma and yet complicated...
Shouted! by
Chin Wey
3 scream(s)!:
what your dilemma??come,i help u..=P
It's Green Light now!
Follow your <3
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