Recent feeling is indescribable. No reason for that. It seems like something amiss now. The feeling is different, no longer the same. Things are moving in slow pace, the time is crawling. Passion is no longer there, but feeling is. Does rational judgement really works for me? Or im being dumb of not accepting and continue to go for it? Im just a coward, totally? Though in the middle of a bunch of people, but i feel only myself there, alone...I understand myself shouldnt be in this forever, i have to walk out from this. i know i have to let it be temporary, but how long should i be in this? Almost everyday I have to face the fact, does this make myself weaker or stronger? Guess everytime i see the cold response, the more memories flashes back in my mind. Is this the return that i will get for what i have done? I will try to walk out from this and move on to the life that i wish for :)
Shouted! by
Chin Wey
scream(s)! (0)
Out of my realization, I found myself, still missing her...Should I be in this situation? Since you are out of this, why you still want to stay at the same pace and don't move on with your own?
Shouted! by
Chin Wey
scream(s)! (3)
刚刚在我的电脑播放了倪安东的歌,让我爱她。。。不是第一次顶到这首歌。只是这一次推动我写了这片文章。歌词特别有意识。感情有起有落,喜怒哀乐,酸甜苦辣。 喜欢一个人不是罪,或许我把它看得太重?
一个没有开始的恋情可以叫做爱情吗?爱情会让人等到累吗? 为什么双方都喜欢不能在一起?我的问题?还是我自以为事?一个没开始就结束了的恋情可以失恋吗?是时候把句点画上了吗,还是等待何期待恋爱的来临?