days has past, but still...un-flushed. attempted to flush it months ago but to avail. it's like keep on haunting you forever. it starts to grow back when it starts to fade off. Keeping reminding myself that it is just my own party of a wrong perception, but when the subsequent things get better, i couldnt hallucinating myself again. it's like i like to wait for answer unanswered. keeping myself filtered from all "rumours" and accepting the answered from the party is what i want? Or should i just disqualifying myself from the battle field, and sentence the feeling death by accepting the rumours. I couldnt stop intuition of controlling myself although my rational told not and must not to do in this way...
Please sentence me to death! Im trying hard to kill it but i...*sigh* i think i'll just stop thinking of this since i have always meet the death end on every single attempt. remain staying in my current pace would be the best solution?
Shouted! by
Chin Wey
0 scream(s)!:
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