Chin Wey ™

feelings are expressed here...

something that happens today really bring me out from the joy of perfection...well i have to admit that im living in all perfections that follows my very own philosophy all these while. but somehow i should edit my philosophy...not just full stop there or end the page of book at those days...there are still many things i dont know, i should know, and i must know...

it was a sunny day indeed, and i went out to a place that i dont really like at all. looking at their expression and the environment, i dont really like them. while waiting to be served, i started to behave like an idiot which like just escape from village to town, unknow of tonnes of stuffs. when is served, i received a warn that i should behave well and get back to my own place. at that instance, i woke up from the joy, what ashame that i have did all these while...when i recall back, i feel terribly embarassing, how idiot am i. i feel like i have no manners and idiot to my deed...

i should and a must for myself to investigate all my attitude and recorrect all the bad...

0 scream(s)!:


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this is chin wey, sharing thoughts and feelings deep inside my heart
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