Chin Wey ™

feelings are expressed here...

recently im sorting back video clips uploaded which is funny, and make you speechless...although some are very unbelivable but i think i have made a great leap on it!!!

this video clip has the candids when keng seng and i collected the convocation gown...we get crazy together with my housemates and lots of funny stuff that we had made

this video is gathers the moments when i was in diploma studies, and is my creation!!! comment-lar...hehe...

and finally...the best part of the clips that i have ever recorded...i sing with a "mop"crofon!!! enjoy...

1 scream(s)!:

I still remember that is the first semester in UTAR and siew li shown me the video clips...haha! It really funny and i wonder how could a book price holder sings with the "mop crofon"...haha!


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this is chin wey, sharing thoughts and feelings deep inside my heart
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