Chin Wey ™

feelings are expressed here...

yeah! im travelling around to understanding more, indulge more, and see more! before going far away, i first step to putrajaya, the new federal territory. it was my first ever in my life stepping in...

the album cover, destination #1, putrajaya!

looking for the correct place was hard for us as none of us has been there before, it was 5 of us going to a place without knowing the way to go. cool huh? though adventurous, but it was kinda wasting time looking for the right place. but i like the feeling much. it felt like you will never know what is in front and what will happen next. heart non-stop beating fast when you can predict anything...anyway, we found it...

putrajaya has a brand new concept, which it was my first time experiencing this. houses without fencing and gates, perfect care of the gardens and well-organised infrastructure, and no traffic- jams! well, it will be very funny when you heard news of vehicle accident in putrajaya, in fact you hardly find cars here!

even i have dare to make actions out of my mind...

the city council stands in the precinct 3, like a building housing a big company. believe this, the metal structure at the gateway is a lift for officials!

and the court is just opposite the council

this beautiful bridge is hard to find, and we have actually made lots of traffic offenses before reaching here...
read out more on piece #2...

0 scream(s)!:


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this is chin wey, sharing thoughts and feelings deep inside my heart
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